How Many People Live on Bainbridge Island?

According to the 2020 census, Bainbridge Island’s population is now 24,825.

Those 24,825 people live in 10,115 households across the island.

The Bainbridge Island population is up by 1,800 residents (or 7.8%) over the past 10 years – which averages out to an Bainbridge annual population increase of less than 200 people.

Additional census facts:

  • The 18+ population of Bainbridge has risen 12.8%, but the under-18 group has increased by a far smaller number.
  • 25% of the island population is now 65 years old or more.
  • 98.4% of Bainbridge adults have a high school diploma, 40% have a bachelor degree and 32% a post-graduate degree
  • 94.6% of Islanders list English as their main language, with the next largest group speaking German (1.5%), or Spanish (1.2%)
  • While racial diversity has increased, especially amongst the Latino and mixed-race communities, the Island is still overwhelmingly (85%) white.
  • The island is currently home to 1,780 U.S. current or retired military personnel, including 80 World War II vets.