Who Is That Gnarly Skateboarding Bulldog?

By Denise Briggs Potter

It’s George. Oft seen shredding and grinding at Strawberry Hill Park’s skateboard park, George is obsessed with skateboarding, said his owner, Nadine Singel.

“I ask my husband to take George to the park now, because I can’t get myself, him or the skateboard out of the park,” she said. “George won’t take water unless we take the board away and we have to hide the board when we’re at home.

”The sweet pooch’s passion all started when George watched some kids riding at the park. “He saw a kid riding, and something in him clicked,” said Singel.

“He climbed on and took off. ”His human parents had bought him a board after seeing the famous Tillman (a YouTube sensation bulldog known for his carving prowess) skateboard and thought their lil hound might enjoy the sport as well.

Interesting fact: a bulldog’s wide and low stature is a highly desirable physique for dogs that skateboard. And the bigger the audience, the more George likes to show off.

“He goes faster, goes up the side of the wall higher, which is kind of interesting because his father was qualified to go to Westminster,” Singel said.

“George has that show dog mentality. I always said, if he were my little boy, he’d be in the X Games, and I’d be in the emergency room every week.” Look out, Tony Hawk.