The school district might have had to cancel school for four days due to snow, but January 2020’s snowfall didn’t deter this hummingbird from commuting to its local diner. Bainbridge Island resident Carolyn Leigh snapped this shot as she walked by her dining room window, marveling at how the hummingbirds were working their beaks through the snow to access the food. “I love nature, my garden and the birds, and I have several other bird feeders,” she said. “Now that I am retired, I wake early with plenty of time before I have any obligations, so that I can lay in bed and look out at the hummingbirds coming to the feeder. This feeding activity goes on all year long.” Carolyn has lived on the island since 1981 but started coming to Bainbridge 65 years ago during the summers, back when the island consisted mostly of modest cabins and had many more summer residents than year-round ones. Even with all the changes over the decades, Carolyn feels “incredibly grateful to live in such a wonderful community.”