By Trish Bittman
As Island landmarks go, Frog Rock is as iconic as any. Just about every islander has heard of—if not walked, driven or cycled by—this stony amphibian, but not everyone knows the story behind the legendary rock at the three-way intersection of Phelps, Spargur, and Madison.
According to a 2004 Kitsap Sun article, the boulder that is Frog Rock was blasted in two to make room for a dairy barn around 1940. In the 1950s a workman stacked one of the two halves on top of the other. After that it was known as Split Rock.
In the early morning hours of June 6, 1971, two high school students painted the rock to look like a frog. Robert Green and his then-girlfriend (and eventual wife) Ellen Barnes unwittingly created a landmark.
Robert and Ellen have touched up the rock over the years. The rock now resides on the property of Tim and Elisabeth Dahl. The Dahls have power washed and repainted it over the years. Neighbors and student volunteers have also helped keep Frog Rock looking its best.
Lest islanders think amphibians are the only animals worthy of a rocky rendering, there’s now another critter that’s “encroaked” on the frog’s turf. Yep, that’s right…the frog’s not alone. Take a closer look, and you’ll spot a more recent addition—his little lady friend.