Do These Tires Make Me Look Fat?

Forget Baker Hill. Put Arrow Point in your rearview mirror. For islander Dave Parker and his girlfriend Wendy Carter, the beach is the place to bike all 53 sandy, soggy and Sound view miles of it. Road bikes and touring bikes don’t cut it on the sand, but fat bikes, with their wide, low-pressure tires can do the trick, as long as you keep pedaling, and pedaling and pedaling. Parker shot this picture of Carter as she churned along the rocky shoreline on the couple’s yearlong effort to circumnavigate Bainbridge. With that many miles of rocky road beneath their wheels, you might think they became experts at flat-tire repair. In fact, the only flat happened when Parker rolled over a rusty screwdriver probably dropped from a rowboat. Other than that, the pair feels pretty pumped about their coastal cruise.