Welcome to our tea shop! Hey come on in and take a look around. You probably would like to see what our teas are like, and what's the big deal!? Well for starters, to see all the names of the teas we have to offer, click on "CATALOG" located in the page headers right next to "About Us". (Or if you are on your phone look in the menu in the upper left hand corner for "catalog".) Or you could just browse around the webshop.
Our teas are all natural, highest quality loose leaf teas from a highly regarded tea blender in Sweden. "Wait! What??" you say. Tea can't grow in Sweden! Its too cold there! And that's true. But our supplier goes to many tea auctions in other places and chooses among the highest quality teas from all over the world, from countries that do grow tea.
Some of it is original tea such as Assam, Ceylon, Darjeeling and so on, that you drink either straight or as part of a flavored tea or a blended tea. For example our English Breakfast Classical Blend is a blend of Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka with Assam tea from India, while the Masala Chai is Assam tea with cardamom, cinnamon, ginger pieces, clove, green cardamom and black pepper. Doesn't that sound yummy? Some of the other teas are organic, and/or free trade, some have caffeine and some are naturally caffeine free.
Our teas are smooth and true to taste. Doesn't get bitter. And because of the high quality a little goes a long way. When you order our tea we'll send along a sample or two of tea for you to try.
You will find steeping guide-lines in the individual teas' sections and on the packages. Its a good idea not to steep it not too strong in the beginning until you have a good idea of how light or strong you prefer it. Many of the teas have delicate flavors and those flavors come out more clearly if the tea is not too strong. But if you like it strong, go for it! Just remember the best way to adjust the strength of your tea is not by the amount of tea you put in the pot but by for how long you steep it. Barely a level teaspoon per cup is your basic measure of our loose leaf teas.
You might wonder why do we get our tea from Sweden ? Aren't Scandinavians fanatic coffee drinkers? Well, the truth is many are, but many are also tea fanciers. They like and know about many different teas. For many generations back. So there is a long history of high quality teas in Sweden. Plus, since it is a small-ish country it easy to find out who has the best tea. Especially if you were born there. Which I was. :-)
My name is Ulla and you are welcome to contact me with any questions, comments or requests.
If you happen to be in the area, we are located close to Seattle, on Bainbridge Island, and you are welcome to visit us at our retail store. We always have samples of all our teas for you to "nose test" and daily taste samplings as well.